Thursday, July 9, 2015

it's raining, it's pouring

Ahhhhh!!!  I wanna take the shaman course too...Can I Skype in?

You should do it.  It will be so cool!

I think my son and daughter-in-law know the secret.  If the simply invite me out, I try, but I often let life intrude.  But if they call and say,  "We need you."  and plan summer child care around me, then I will come.

I'm so worried about taking time off, though, that I can't really relax and enjoy the fact that I am going.  I may end up taking my pc and working early mornings and after dinner from their house. That's life!  I've done it before!

I talked to S#3 briefly about maybe getting the three of us together at the end of August to take a day trip to the spiritualist community I talked about a few years ago.


I got up this morning, knowing I wouldn't have the baby at all, and announced to Nephew that I was going to mow the lawn this afternoon.  He said, "Uhhhhh..." and gently let me know that we were on flood watch for the rest of the day.

It is raining.  Hard. Again. A neighbor told me she is beginning to notice mud and rock slides on some of our hills.   And today was weird with the stock market shutdown, a blackout in DC, an airline losing internet.  The Chinese stock market is crashing. Very hot weather is warping train tracks in Europe.  Overuse of ac is causing brownouts. People are getting trapped in elevators.  It feels like everything is going nuts at once. And I feel like I am holding my breath - wondering how far this will go.

I had the image of clear little creatures being released from the inside of the Earth and breaking into many, many smaller creatures, covering the Earth. I have no sense of what they are or what they govern, or how they feel.  This is where we need a good shaman - to tell me what this is!

I talked to my granddaughter yesterday, the one across country.  I told her I was coming to visit.  She said, "Oh Mima, I just might have to hug you."

So my heart is warm...

Love and hugs from Clare

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