Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Hey Sister,

I really admire your willingness to ask the hard questions.  I hope you end up fostering this young man, but even if you don't - the fact that you considered it will help him know he is worthy.  Someone noticed him and wanted him...I hope it is a fit.

I actually thought about the lessons I have learned so far.  I had a friend who used to remind us that our birthday is the celebration of completing a year.  I am in my sixtieth year now...

What I have learned...don't listen to what people say, watch what they do.  That is how we know who they truly are. This was a big one for me.

But another one that came to mind is...don't keep score.  Don't expect people to return favors.  Often what happens is someone who seems to take and not give is actually giving to someone else somewhere we can't see.   I had a friend who owned a small store. She put an exchange box out for customers.  People who had something they didn't need any more put it in the box.  People who needed it, took it. She commented that the same people seemed to take, and to never give.  The response that came out of my mouth surprised me.  I noted that they were probably giving somewhere else.  She thanked me.

I do believe in a gifting society.  But if we keep score - it's not a gift.  A gift is simply released for the pleasure of it.

I have learned that this world is big and beautiful and abundant and it is a gift to be here, even when it is scary...

The big lesson I have not learned yet, even though I can quote it and sound like I probably mean it, is - I am enough.

I still have to work on I am enough.

The kitten has taken up residence on my desk.  We are working on - "Don't walk on the computer!"  My cat has not forgiven me. She seems to have switched alliance to Nephew, and won't let me pet her...

It is thundering and pouring here...again.  Sigh...

And my baby is due in any minute.

Back later - Love and hugs from Clare


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