Tuesday, July 24, 2012

we played last night

Good morning...
I had a wonderful day yesterday.

I spent time talking with Daughter #1 about the PSU abuse case and all of the sanctions. She is really upset by all of this. We talked about what the abuse and subsequent attention means to the survivors, those young men who were playthings to an adult man with sexual perversions. How it was possible for Mrs Sandusky to "not know" the abuse was happening in her own home.
I told her that my mother claims that she never knew that such things were going on in and around her home.
I suggested that people who allow such activities, ignore the obvious, enable the abuse, were probably abused earlier in their lives and they don't know what to do...don't trust their own judgement...can't find their voice in the midst of the fear and uncertainty that surrounds abusing others.

They were groomed to be enablers...just as kids are groomed to be victims.

The cycle is vicious and perpetual...until someone finds their voice and gathers their courage and says "NO MORE". Those survivors did just that.
While I can't imagine them wanting continued attention from the media, it is helpful to hear the apologies, and the pledges that this sort of thing won't happen again.
But what's not being said is that it is happening everyday...to boys and girls in their own homes, everyday...and only a very small percentage is ever discovered. It's a F-ing epidemic and only the sensational cases like the PSU case gets attention.

I went into the ocean yesterday. I don't like going into the ocean because there may be jellyfish or crabs, or any number of things in there that I can't see. Things that I can't protect myself from. But yesterday I ventured in, tentatively at first to my knees, then I stepped into deeper area and was submerged. I am a strong swimmer so that didn't bother me, so while I was there I decided to see what it felt like to be surrounded by all of that energy and life. It was fabulous. I floated and let myself be carried by the water and the waves. I closed my eyes and just absorbed the rhythm of the ocean. I loved it. I am going back in today. I will see what I learn from the ocean today.

We played last night...and we laughed...Monopoly and Rummy.
It was really fun, but because I had 2 glasses of wine they all assumed that I was drunk and therefore laughing.
I didn't feel drunk...just happy and light hearted.
I need to shed the heavy heart and look at the beauty that is around me.

We played last night. My kids and I played games and laughed together. Husband was off reading while we played. His loss...or gain depending upon what he needs to get out of this week.

I am off to watch me kids surf...then I will learn more from this island.


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