Monday, May 30, 2016


Hi Maggie,

I got lots done in the garden.  There is still so much to do. But I am feeling hopeful.  Every year I have a dream vision of what the garden will be.  It never is.  But every year something does really well, and that abundance overshadows and outweighs the lackluster performance of other veggies...who will be the stars for the next year.

What we get a lot of is most likely what we are going to need!

I didn't realize your foster son was in the same group home as his brother. That will make this a little more stressful.  But I trust you will keep them in touch with each other. It might be good for them to take a look at themselves as individuals.  Yet, being without family is so hard... I can't imagine having a childhood like theirs. Ours may have been damaging, but at least we knew where home was until our eighteenth birthday, at which time, as we were constantly reminded, he was done with us, and our bags would be packed and by the door.

Are you getting anything as you scan me?  It would be fun to confirm.

Today, while I was sitting in the dirt removing grass and yellow dock and garlic mustard, I pulled a bunch of stems and exposed a web full of minute spiderlings.  They were running around like crazy.  Mama Spider came to the end of a blade of grass to catch my attention.  I weeded around it, leaving the web intact.

I started to think that what I did was similar to what a deforestation would be to us.  We just come through and mindlessly change things without considering impact.

Do we have the right?

Still trying to consider what is the rightful, humane way to feed ourselves. I read a book years ago, which I lent to someone and never got back.  It was called The One Straw Revolution. Maybe I should read it again.

I am wondering about permaculture, to the point that we plant and nourish ourselves completely from perennials.  Then I would not need to be ripping weeds out. Fruit trees, nut trees are obvious...but what about veggies???

I like it when my mind is playing.

Hope you and yours are well and happy.

Love and hugs from Clare

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