Wednesday, May 11, 2016

chipping sparrow

Hi Sister,

This morning, while I was working, a bird tapped and fluttered at the big south facing window in my dining room.  I was definitely distracted, and the dogs were intrigued.  But I didn't get too close.  Then, this afternoon, while my little one was sleeping on my lap, it came to the window next to my desk. It sat right on the privet and looked at me, and then it did it's fluttering and tapping.  I identified it - as a chipping sparrow.

So of course I looked up sparrow.  And as soon as I did it left. Obviously it completed its mission with the thick-brained human!

It's all about empowerment and self-love. 

It ends with:   When the sparrow comes to you, know that hard times are ending and through your own efforts and persistence and the support of your community, all will come forward to resolution despite apparent obstacles.

I like that!

So, my dream...

I dreamed that my oldest grandson was here.I walked in the bathroom and an old friend of my ex's was in the  bathroom also with a towel wrapped around his waist.  I asked him if he had molested my grandson and he said yes. I shoved him into the water, he was pushed up into the corner of the tub. I stepped insode the tub and I was furious, and I tried to kick him. I kept trying to kick him and he was passively awaiting a beating. But I couldn't move my foot through the water.

I woke up furious.

I know it was all symbolic. I keep thinking about the water, which usually stands for emotions. I couldn;t get through it.

I wonder how much my emotions or lack or emotions or maybe control of emotions keeps me silent, or inadequate or not able to defend...myself or my loved ones.

Just reading and saw the word obstacle above, and thought about emotions being my obstacle.  I let fear stop me...

I will be thinking about this.  All thoughts are welcome...

Love and hugs from Clare

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