Wednesday, May 25, 2016

now dogs in drawers

Hi Maggie,

And the crazy dreams continue. I don't remember ever remembering this many dreams in such a short time...I have remembered a few more, but they don't seem appropriate to here...

So I dreamed I opened a drawer in a big old desk or table,  and there was an old dog inside. It was my dog. I knew it was mine. I remember thinking,  "Not another old dog!"  I picked it up and it was like a labradoodle with a dachshund body.  It wasn't little like a dachshund, but it was long-bodied and short-legged.

Someone took it from me and put it back in the drawer and distracted me with something, but I was very concerned about getting the dog.  I knew it belonged with me, and it had sentient eyes - it knew it belonged with me.

So I looked it up...of course...


To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten.

To see drawers in your dream signify your inner and hidden state and being. In particular, a disorderly drawer represents internal chaos and turmoil while an orderly drawer signifies calmness. Alternatively, a drawer symbolizes your reserves. There is something that you have stored away, but are now ready to use or express. If the drawer is full, then it symbolizes your many resources. If the drawer is empty, then it denotes your need to fulfill your goals.

I think I am dreaming about a forgotten or ignored skill.  I'm ready to express it.

Of course, I have no idea what it is...but I'll pay attention.

What if it is your Reiki that is bubbling this up inside of me???

Thanks for the porcupine message.  I would like to avoid the adult world, if at all possible!

My little one is getting more agreeable about spending time in the garden, if I let her water the plants. Of course she is an absolute grub-bunny when her mom gets her, but so what. Filthy kids are happy,healthy kids!  

My daughter-in-law, the one who lives near, told her mom that I had all of my children under one roof on my birthday.  Her mom started crying. After digging and mowing today, while in the shower, I was back in the moment.  That completely unexpected gift of having my children here for dinner...all five of them together, along with some of their loves...I was overwhelmed again with happiness and joy and sadness and longing, but also with love for you and my sisters. 

That was the most amazing gift possible...I love you so much for that!

Love and hugs from Clare  

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