Sunday, May 1, 2016

I'm thinking of a word...

That's horrible…
correct rations for slaves.

I do believe that without cell phones…
or telephones…
we could communicate telepathically.
We don't trust ourselves enough to hear that energy.

I sometimes have a ringing in my ear…
not the high pitched…
too much pressure…
ringing, but a low pitched or variable ringing.
I ask the Divine to allow me to understand what I am hearing.
Generally I have a sense of a message.
The most amazing experience I've ever had with this was years ago (I think I might heave told you this previously). I heard a peculiar ringing and asked to hear its message. Clearly I understood it to be Grammy telling me to be kind and compassionate to our Mom, "you don't know what she's lived through". I had just been on a rant about how uncaring and inattentive she is. It changed me…
at least slightly.

I wish we could telepathically communicate. We should try an experiment.
Next time you blog think a simple, uncommon word…
tell me when you've got it set in your head…
think it over several times throughout the day...
I will try to sense it and write it the next time that I blog.
It might be interesting.

Perhaps we can live free of cell phone charges and electromagnetic waves.

My young man was looking at Dragonball Z pictures today and wanted to understand the drawings of their auras and their manipulation of energy. We talked about all matter being made of energy and that our bodies' energies extend beyond the boundaries of our physical bodies. He is fascinated by so many things. I was explaining reiki to him last evening…
he is really interested in so many things…
I love talking with him.
He was watching basketball this afternoon and I gave him one of my student's projects discussing the healthy issues of drinking Mountain Dew…
it was really gross…
eroded enamel…
bone depletion…
he went so far as to cite that you can dissolve a mouse in Mountain Dew…
He came up and said he'll not drink mountain dew anymore…
we shall see.

I love this final project. It challenges them to change one habit for two weeks. Many say that they feel better than they have in a long time…
despite the variety of things they identify as unhealthy…
they all notice a big change…
and, they realize they hold the power necessary to change things.
I spent my afternoon reading their papers…
it was great.

I spent the morning at our Quarterly gathering. It is always good to see Friends I only see once a year. I was talking with one woman who asked if I had been there all weekend. No, I was too busy to spend the whole weekend I replied. I realized how ridiculous that sounds. I could have made it a priority. I could have made arrangements. I am going to seriously try next year. I did a workshop/discussion on environmental changes/climate change with a Friend who is a chemist. He approaches it from a chemist's perspective and I do it from a biology and social justice perspective. I focused on health outcomes and climates justice issues. It was a comfortable group. I think it was well received.

I have a bunch to still do before bed. I love you sister.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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