Friday, September 26, 2014



I will respond, as my eight year old self…
Tonight I am overwhelmed.
My youngest was caught with a small amount of pot in his dorm room.
He is indefinitely suspended and potentially expelled.
I had to remove all of his things from his dorm room and he is no longer allowed to live or visit there.
Our home school may not take him because it is a substance violation.
He may have to cyber school for the remainder of the year and then return to school.
The kicker is that he regrets being caught. Nothing else.
He states that he has no intention of stopping the use of pot and it's insane to ask him to.
He refuses to see that he is seriously impacting his future goals…like college choices.
I am sending him to Arizona…
I've decided to send him to the same program his brother just finished.
He needs to see the consequences of his choices and that's what Anasazi is all about. He also needs a change of heart. He left tonight, despite being grounded and being told repeatedly that he is not allowed to go out. He thinks our rules are stupid and because they don't make sense to him he can ignore them.
I've had it.
I've run out of patience with drugs, defiance and dishonesty.

That's all I can say tonight.
Love and Light,

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