Sunday, September 7, 2014

old lady

So, my high school reunion was this weekend.  I have the same feelings about going to those as I do about family reunions - with much less drama.  If I had kept in touch with anyone at all, except by social media, maybe I would feel differently.  This is one instance where I like electronic communication.  I often cite an incident where my youngest and I were in a restaurant watching a couple have dinner.  They never spoke. They only interacted with their phones.  I suppose it is possible that they were texting each other, but somehow I don't think they were.  It seems we have forgotten how to be vulnerable, available, present. Interacting with a piece of electronic equipment between us seems so much safer. Although I usually complain, with high school classmates, I like the distance.

I posted my high school senior picture. I was so young.  I still feel like that young woman, but then I took a couple "selfies"...and maybe we should blame the photographer or the technique, but I look awful. Saggy - like gravity has won the war! I never should have looked at my young self!

I have been sort of stuck in the past this weekend.  I have been thinking about high school.  But I also had my grandson overnight.  When I put him to bed, we read a book I used to read to his daddy and uncles and aunts.  I recited a short poem his daddy used to say every night..."I see the moon and the moon sees me.  Good bless the moon and God bless me!"  And I was lost in the past when my kids were babies...

It's bittersweet.

I am feeling like an old woman today.  I read Jan Brett's The White Mitten and associated with the grandmother...

But I have managed to rise above it and pick potatoes and crabapples, and plant garlic and wash all the bed linens and get them out on the line in the glorious sunshine.  Tonight I will sleep on sun!!

I hope you made it home safely.  I missed you!


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