Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Me Too is born


You're correct that learning experientially is definitely the best way. I sometimes forget to get out of my head and actually practice all of the amazing things I think or read about. I have so much acquired knowledge, but some of it is buried, waiting to be tapped by some situation where it is necessary or helpful.

I was also thinking about the swamp while I wrote yesterday. I was wondering if I'd found the source of the swamp…
Is it clear at the source, only to be thickened and muddied as it journeys forward?
This morning's meditation brought me back to the stone of conversing with Dad. That's the next stone for me to remove. I actually played some of it in my head. Beginning the conversation with, "I've always been afraid of you. I don't want to feel that way anymore." I was also wondering if sharing our past lives together would freak him out or make him understand better.

I went to a play tonight on dating violence. It was well done, quite interactive. They would run a scene…and then pause and ask for audience observations and how they felt about things. It was about the subtle beginnings of power and control and then how they escalate.
I was amazed how many students thought it is OK for your dating partner to tell you how to dress…they felt that it was all right to demand a level of modesty once you're dating that that wasn't there before. I wanted to ask them why they think it's OK to parade their private parts in scanty clothing just to attract men…but then cover up once they got one.
There were also comments about helping the other person change through love. I found myself commenting out loud, "Beauty and the Beast is just a fairy tale guys".

The DV shelter is sponsoring this play at 5 local high schools- so hopefully the message will be received by the students.
Along with the play I've created an art contest entitled,
"Me too…break the silence…break the cycle".
All but 2 of the county high schools are promoting the contest and the winners (poster and video categories) will be posted on the Facebook page for the DV shelter and potentially made into a billboard. My first Me Too campaign!!!! I am so excited.

Expansion was uncomfortable- as usual. It isn't overtly painful once the needle is in place, but the pressure is incredible. I find myself pressing down on my lumps throughout the day following. That beats taking valium. I only have 3 more expansions! Then I will wait 8 weeks or so to allow the cavity to form. After that implant surgery and I will be done. Hopefully all this will be done before Christmas.

Love and Light,

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