Sunday, September 21, 2014



Hi Love!  We spent part of every day this weekend at a small music fest - very rustic, up in the hills and the trees, but we could see the lake.  I got to chat with some old friends, and spend time with a dear friend and, of course, the baby.

I didn't make it to Friends' anything this weekend.  There was a regional gathering - a quarterly - but there were no teens signed up.  I serve on the regional youth activity committee, and so I decided not to go.  I had already made a commitment to the fest organizers.

Buses left for New York City as regional meeting broke. That I wish I could go to.  The last report I saw said there was an estimated 310,000 people there.  I am so profoundly excited!

Working together, we can change things.  But we have to change.  We can't sit around and wait for any government officials to act. We act, they follow.  It has happened over and over.

With your son, you will always worry. But you have to decide what your relationship will be. Do you want to be his cop?  Does he want you to be in that role?  You have to trust him. You have to, or he won't grow up. But you also have to follow your intuition. If you sense something is going off track - you have to step in and remind him who he is and that he is important. And that he is loved. And that he is an integral part of this family. We need him.

Herbally, I would not advise a cleanse.  I am not sure exactly how the tamoxifen works, and I would not want to interfere with the process you have chosen.  I would recommend tonic herbs.  Tonics tone organs and allow them to function more efficiently.

So, take nettles.  That would be my first suggestion. No, my first suggestion is to get some sleep.  Then get some more sleep.  It is the best possible healer, and you, my little sister, you have had one hell of a year.  Your body and your psyche need to heal.  And you need to sleep.

I have been losing weight since my birthday.  I am not sure how much since the chihuahua peed on my scale and now it won't work. But I am feeling good.  I am feeling positive and confident.  My clothes are getting looser.  Then today I saw photos of me at the fest, and all the confidence went out the window.  I became Dad...he's still in me.  Will I ever escape his voice???

Back to work tomorrow.  Two meetings this week, I am behind in my course and I have to get on top of some advertising for the dances.  Tired already!!  But I'm good.

With love -


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