Thursday, June 27, 2013

Role of the ego...separateness

I remember the days of sleeping upright in a chair with a baby on my chest. I was thinking of the two of them today, with your daughter's upcoming return to work...I was sending them some light and love.

I had a massage this morning...I have therapeutic massage every 2 weeks on my upper back, particularly my left shoulder. The woman who does the work is quite insightful and has a great energy. She wants to open a Wellness Center, and she commented that she would sell my CD's from the counter. Before I even thought about it I said, "Maybe I'll rent space from you and do private counseling in your center. I am beginning to think that I will have to create my own opportunity for work." This is what I've been trying NOT to do. I think I want to work on a larger scale, not the one on one scale...but several times now I've been directed towards private counseling. Only time will tell.

I do think that you are close to the truth when you talk about the disconnect from the Divine as the initial violation. But there is more to it.
The separation is illusion...
we are still connected to each other and the Divine at our deepest level...we never left.
We just need to believe that we are on our own...disconnected.
That's what the ego does...
it makes us believe that we are a separate, independent entity...
it propagates the illusion.
The reality is that we are interconnected and interdependent upon all others.
This is more than human is to animals, plants, ecosystems, resources, the universe. We are made of molecules from the universe and we depend upon it as much as it depends upon us. Once we accept that...
we become more humane...
more universal...
acknowledge the connection that has eternally existed.

So how does violence play into the role of the has to do with power and acquisition of stuff. Perhaps in the taking and hoarding instead of sharing and using only what we need, replenishing what we've taken, and being stewards of creation.
So the initial violation occurs when we perceive ourselves as separate and deserving of stuff...
more so than some other individual or group.
This makes sense in an evolutionary perspective...
those with the means to survive drought or famine or winter are the ones who live on to reproduce and their genetic information is passed on. So, for survival, an ego is a bonus. But, most of us now get our food from a store and aren't in life threatening situations day in and day out and yet our ego still drives us to be survivalists.
Hoarding, believing in scarcity, profiting from the pain and exploitation of others...
survival of the fittest in 2013.

One of the societal challenges has to be opening to others...
developing connections...
becoming interdependent...
becoming vulnerable.
Instead of building arsenals we need to disarm and lead by example. We need to speak to injustice as we see them, without violating others in the process.
What a difficult challenge this will be. It will take a wave of mindfulness and opening by many.

Rest sister,
Love and Light,

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