Sunday, June 16, 2013

learning lessons

We spent father's day at the ball usual.
My youngest's team has 2 more weeks of every day games to make up for the rain outs of the past 2 weeks. They played well today...well enough to come from behind and win.
After the game, I was sitting on a hill with the other spectators...
I saw an older gentleman talking with my youngest.
I assumed he was reprimanding him as others have done in the past...I couldn't remember any angry outbursts but was poised to move in to defend him if necessary.
I watched and they eventually shook hands...
my Mommy radar relaxed and we packed up.

When he came to the car I asked him what that was about. The man told him that he played catcher for 43 years and that he has never seen a better catcher at this level of play. He complimented his composure and his persistent attention throughout the game, also his ability to focus his team during the game.
I learned a lesson.

I was speaking of my own motivations for sacrifice when I wrote previously.
I do for others so that they value me...they see my worthiness...compliment my outcomes.
At least that has been my pattern in the past.
There is a fine line between martyrdom and altruism. I think that in altruism both parties benefit. That is what I am hoping to find in my future pursuits.

The questionnaires leading to interviews is probably a good way to go. I think that if we look at the ACE surveys that I've been working with for my current project we can get a good start on a survey. But, I think that our survey will be more inclusive of topics of assault by strangers, systematic violence and oppression or even military exposure to violence. It would be interesting to see if there are similarities or differences based upon the relationship to the perpetrator of the violence. It would also be nice to include some who have been perpetrators of violence to hear that perspective.
I will begin to work on that.

I am glad that your hand is opening and working better.
Thanks for the memory of the pancake made me smile.

Love and Light,

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