Friday, December 21, 2012

Wanted: one long winter's nap

I am intrigued by the connection in the family tree...
the connection between roots and limbs.
I keep coming back to the Gnostic gospel that advised people to cut off their roots that held them down...
the pain and suffering of our early life...
the pain and suffering of our ancestors...
But if we cut roots don't we lose stability and connection?
Or are we striving for a higher connection with the divine?

My girls came home yesterday...
2 weeks with everyone home...
peace and chaos intermittently and simultaneously.
I have noticed the oldest isn't as severe with the youngest so far...
hopefully our discussion/journaling over Thanksgiving have deepened her appreciation of him.
Christmas is upon us...the presents are purchased and cookies have been's safer that way because I eat less of them...the kids are all done with school...and we can take a much deserved "long winter's nap".

I am singing at Meeting this Sunday...
with a group of people...
I haven't sang publicly in about 2 and a half years...
it feels really good to sing.
It frees me in a way that other things fail to.
I have had the opportunity to allow the spirit to sing through me in the past...
it was very moving and transformative.
I need to pursue music again...once I graduate I should have more time.

Time to snuggle up on the couch with a book.
Love and Light,

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