Monday, December 3, 2012

It's all about energy

So today, I am going to sound a bit crazy...
I can't believe that I am going to write this stuff down...
but this is vulnerability.

I think I have stepped into a stream of consciousness.
I am experiencing a flow of knowledge...wisdom...
that is showing me much about our existence....sounds crazy.

I have been working on a reflection of why I am in social work, what I've learned and where I want to go from here...
It has opened a space for me to reflect on my life, much like this blog does.
I have been putting together concepts from different realms and they fit together like a puzzle...
Last night I was proofreading...
and then I had the inspiration for my own behavioral theory (hypothesis)...
the behavioral evolution theory...
I was considering Jung's levels of consciousness...and the collective unconscious...
And Glasser's 7 caring habits and 7 deadly habits...and how that relates to abuse...or respect and love.
I began to consider survival of the fittest...Darwinism...and how those who can adapt to stress are the most successful in survival...
I then jumped to Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenesis which is an alternate theory of species design and evolution...
I jumped to epigenetics...alternative genetic expression in response to stress...
And then to molecular biology...everyone has receptors on the outside of every cell...programmed to receive signals and a miniature brain...Bruce Lipton's work.
When a person experiences abuse the byproducts are shame, secrecy and isolation...
we cut ourselves off...turn off the receptors so that we can no longer be abused...
that's the isolation...we prefer our own reality and build that wall to protect it.
I have worked with animal communicators who explain their work as tuning into a nonverbal, image laden frequency...each species has its own unique frequency and that is what drives differentiation of the organism...
When son#2 was young and allergic to everything under the sun I sought out an acupressurist...
she told me that in the 70's a scientist measured the energy frequency of most substances...everything resonates at a different energy clear allergies she had vials of the allergen held in the patients hands while she did acupressure...she was reprogramming his body to see them as nutrient and not hostile, foreign substances...the treatments were fairly successful.
So...if we turn off the receptors after abuse...could we turn them on again? It is possible if we could discover the frequency of shame and it's opposite...vulnerability or peace or whatever...
Could we treat the aftermath of abuse (or potentially other diseases) by returning the individual to a normal human frequency?
It's all about energy!
The dreams of the ancestors are not just our dead relatives...
it is beginning to seem as if it may be the collective unconscious...
now you know that I am crazy....
but this feels right and I feel compelled to tell someone all of this...
so I choose to tell you.
Treat me gently...but tell me honestly...Have I lost my mind?


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