Thursday, April 14, 2016

setting limits

Hello Claire,

I worked from home today…
I still worked, but I was able to relax and be comfortable…
my youngest stayed home from school…
his allergies were bad…
the skin in the backs of his knees is so excoriated that he was seeping fluid…
unable to sleep last night despite benadryl…
so, I had company through the day.
I was hoping for a day alone…
but it was good to see him too.

Today was beautiful…
sunny, warm, clear…
I walked about 3 miles which felt great…
except I need new shoes…
my knees are aching…
I have to get the the store to pick up a pair.
I really want to increase my outside walking again. I've been trapped inside, walking the treadmill watching an on line course I'm taking 2.5 hours each week. I am sick of being inside.

I've been considering my limits and boundaries today. I have to be active and assertive about what I am willing, and not willing, to do. I want to be considerate, but not a push over. This is hard for me…
I am a people pleaser…
I'm not an effective limit setter…
but I have to be…
or I'll be living with the repercussions for years potentially.

I saw a friend yesterday whose grandson was recently diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder which is usually fatal in childhood. She is really struggling with this. I cannot imagine if my child or grandchild's survival was that tenuous. He is slightly delayed, but is a very happy active 1 year old. But, he could die at any time of a heart arrhythmia. They put a pacemaker into his heart, hoping to avoid that outcome…but the cardiologists aren't entirely optimistic. She was saying how much she appreciates every day now.

Not much else happening.
I need to practice my reiki.
I need to channel the energy to myself and others.
Got to find the time.

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