Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Peace Eagles

Hi Maggie,

Reality check...if he didn't buy the car, and didn't pay the insurance, the money is not his to spend.  The providers of the money get to choose.  Mine had older Volvos when they lived at home.  Reliable, exceptionally safe, and hard to posture as Speed Racer.   It worked for us.  Have fun negotiating with yours!

I know mine have been faithfully guarded through similar incidents.  They have a reason for being here. The world needs your boy, and so he is protected.

I found The Girls With the Grandmother Faces in an unusual corner.  I'm thinking a toddler who lights up my life may have had a hand in that! I started reading and love it. I am feeling hopeful and positive. The author went back to school in her 60s.  She is gently letting me realize there are many options available...wonder if there are old lady scholarships.  The thought of taking on school loans has stopped me in the past.  I can't afford to screw myself like that...

Today the house started vibrating, then shaking. It was loud. I went to the back door and saw four military helicopters in perfect diamond formation cross over my house and yard.  The dog was not a fan.  It really creeped me out, made me feel almost frightened.  The later this afternoon I was outside with kid and dogs hanging laundry and bringing in dry clothes and as I stepped into the mudroom, I saw a huge shadow on the lawn. I stepped back out and looked up and there were four Peace Eagles swooping over the house and down over the yard, then back up over the trees at the back of the lot.  They stayed and whirled and swirled and danced on the winds for a long time.  My heart was bubbling over with joy. The baby and I watched and greeted them and told them how beautiful they are.

Later, when we walked down to the creek, I wondered if today offered a choice or if it was portent. Is it time to decide between civilization/militarization and Peace?  or will we have a time of militarism and control, followed by the joy and freedom of riding the winds in community?

Four has to do with kidneys and adrenals/orange chakra.

I think your sons will find out what happened to their Mom when it is time to know.  I guess for all of this, everything both you and they are going through, trust the process.  I do understand your frustration, though. I have such mixed feelings about the system.  And you are right, they don't even really consider kids real people...

And so I am going to go and write...

I will watch for you here. Keep smiling. Keep challenging your students. The profs we remember are the tough ones, even though we didn't love them while we had them!

Love and hugs from Clare

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