Sunday, April 17, 2016

beautiful sister


We loved grandma…
I never thought of her as old…
until she was moved into the nursing home…
and then only after she started to slip.
At first I felt as if she was there only to get her out of everyone's hair…
Pop was there, so she must belong there too.
She did not like being in the same room as him…
she complained to me that she wanted her own space…
and was relieved when his health deteriorated and he was moved.
He was OK to visit, but she didn't want to be roomies.
Did anyone ever listen to her?
She was pushed into so many things throughout her life.
I wonder what she could have become if she hadn't married Pop and forced to live in the family home and care for family.
I don't know if she would have been happier.
I don't know if she would still have been so passive.
I cannot imagine her any way except for how she was.
But I love her and the memory of her.

You still have time to make changes…
make choices that can spark your life…
become more of who you are meant to be.
Who is that?
What are the characteristics that you want to cultivate?
Plant the seeds and nurture them…
"fake it 'til you make it"
It's time to make choices, so that you don't spend the remainder of your life saying
'coulda', 'shoulda', 'woulda'

We spent the afternoon with the young men's grandmother, great aunt, and great-greatgrandmother along with a cousin and her kids. I was anticipating the worst…
and it was wonderful.
They didn't question me, or my motives for helping the young men…
they were grateful for my kindness and willingness to care for the young men.
I told them I need their support to raise these two…
reassured them that we would continue contact and encourage family time.
It was very nice.
Sometimes life gives you lemonade!

I hope that you find some peace and contentment instead of critiquing your face. You are beautiful. Every feature tells a tale of your life. Own it. Be proud of it. The perfect body, or face, begins within, not from outside.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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