Friday, April 8, 2016

my animal symbol


I drove to a meeting yesterday, early in the morning…
I had a Claire moment…
as I turned a corner a bobcat ran in front of me.
I was in awe and appreciative for the sighting.
I went to yoga after the meeting and told my friends about the experience and one said, "I wonder what that means?" I have to look it up.
It suddenly occurred to me that it may have meaning in my life. I came home and googled it.

  • Clear vision in dark places; vigilance; suspicion; ability to live in solitude; ability to see through masks.
  • There is a time for solitude, learning to be alone but not lonely and a time for social balance. He shows how to keep confidences of those around you with a balance of inner and outer perceptions. Bobcat aids in tapping into the curiosity of the unseen world of secrecy, invisibility and hidden meanings for understanding spiritual mysteries of the path that is being traveled. Bobcat will offer protection and expertise of this path and lend its knowledge in maneuvering your developing natural internal power. Bobcat teaches the ability of being able to turn on/off creative forces in life. Always look for what is hidden on all levels and trust your senses.
  • The Bobcat animal totem is a sign of patience. Bobcats are superior hunters, and they incorporate stealth, strategy and wield a great deal of patience in their hunting excursions.
  • The Bobcat sends us a clear message that in order for us to get what we want, we must be willing to plan, adapt, and above all, have the patience to see our ideals manifest.
  • The Bobcat animal totem is also about creation, and developing our abilities into a higher level of value. Additionally, the Bobcat is also about the unseen and silent aspects of our inner selves.
  • We need to consider some passions that we have been keeping a secret. Now is the time to unleash our hidden desires – unlock our inner secret wisdom & talents. 
 ...the Bobcat sends us a clear message that in order for us to get what we want, we must be willing to plan, adapt, and above all, have the patience to see our ideals manifest.
When dealing with social settings (friends, family, work) the Bobcat reminds us to be fully aware. We must be mindful to extend our respect, love and consideration with others. 
As the Bobcat is primarily a solitary creature, we may take its presence as a sign for us to step back from the company of certain people in our lives. Or, the Bobcat may be trying to tell us that we need some time to ourselves. Alone time is time for us to reflect, and regain our energy. The Bobcat intrinsically knows this, and may be trying to tell you to take a break away from the public eye. 

This is pretty cool…
who knew I'd be getting messages from wild animals.
It was a good reminder that my life is full of synchronicity and guidance.

The reiki session was good. The newest change is that my 3rd chakra is opening in a way that she has only rarely experienced. It is developing pin hole openings that allow light to stream from within. She felt that, according to her experience, this was about guidance and direction. Both being guided by others, but also becoming more of a guide or director. She asked me to offer myself reiki to the 3rd chakra each night before I go to sleep. I've been doing that. She wants me to set up a grid in my bedroom, using clear quartz to maintain my grids and meridians…I still have to get some of those.
She is now offering 2 days a month at the yoga studio where I practice on Saturdays and some thursdays. It will be so much easier to see her without traveling so far.

We had our first home visit yesterday- more papers to complete. What an amazing practice in bureaucracy. I think if you have the fortitude to finish the paperwork you must be a decent foster parent. I cleaned and organized my house yesterday in anticipation of the visit…
she walked into the kitchen…
never walked anywhere else in the house.
I offered a tour…
she said that is part of the second visit.
What a waste of man-power hours.

I am exhausted. We are expecting 3+ inches of snow and I am hopeful it comes true- then I'll have an excuse to lay low and be very lazy tomorrow.

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