Thursday, October 15, 2015

showing up

Hey Maggie,

Maybe you are tiptoeing out of your yellow chakra.  Releasing your need to control everything and just going with the flow.  It seems that when we make a change, we live in a void for a short while.  That seems to be how transition happens for me.  I have learned to enjoy those moments of chaos when all things are possible.  But those moments don't last for long.

How did you feel as a beast cancer patient? Survivor? How did you feel seeing your sister go through the process?  How do you remember Aunt Sissy's death and then later, Mom's brush with breast cancer?  You have amazing perspective, because you have the logical, medical experience as a doctor treating patients, the compassion and that feeling of helplessness seeing a family member step into the cancer machine.  But you have also been there.  You know the range of feelings that each person who is diagnosed with cancer goes through.

What do you have to share? It is going to be rich and deep...

I have periods of time with no aha also.  That is when posts get short and a bit mundane.  But sometimes life is just about showing up.  I miss days here,'s life.  I do miss you when you aren't here, though.  This is still a touchpoint of each day in my life.

I'm trying to organize two community contra dances.  It is so difficult to get people to commit to dates, to showing up, to not changing plans.  Both have had to be rescheduled once so far. And I fear for the turnouts.  The second one - no caller. So a friend is going to call the few she has just learned, and I am going to learn a few singing calls.

This ought to be fun!

The course on trauma sounds promising.  Keep me posted please.

I could not watch the show I mentioned which was on last night.  I don't have a cable provider.  And today I tried to watch and my Adobe Flash crashed.  I am taking my computer in for it's annual physical next week.  Then I'll watch. My youngest watched and said she felt upset...

That's life!

Maybe tomorrow will aha...Love and hugs from Clare

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