Sunday, October 4, 2015

good and bad


I will have to check out that website.

I've had a good day. Meeting with potluck after. I put a bite of what I thought was green beans and quinoia into my mouth and had to politely spit it out because it was some sort of sausage, finely ground up. That's always a hit at a table of Friends.
I spent the morning with my 91 year old friend…always a pleasure.
I made onion soup and then mowed the lawn.
The sun was finally shining and it felt good.
I spent yesterday on the couch with a terrific headache. I think it was from trying to do "crunches" on Tuesday at an aerobics class. I convinced myself to take the class prior to sling yoga called Dance Party. It was a lot of fun until she had us do crunches and other spot muscle work.
I hate to say it, but I'm too old for that shit. Just give me stretching an cardio work.

We had some sad news this weekend. A friend of husband, since catholic grade school, died in a car accident along with his brother. Both were killed when the car flipped on a rainy road and slid on the roof into a pond. We are both shocked, but not surprised. Husband's friend was in a near-fatal accident about 2 years ago, he flipped a car on a back road, survived with multiple injuries. Most of his friends considered this a suicide attempt. He had years of alcoholism and multiple losses. So, the question now is how did this happen along with his brother, who also had serious alcohol abuse. Husband and I were discussing the Adult Children of Alcoholics' characteristics and how these brothers fit the pattern. It is sad to have watched this friend's life fall apart.
It's amazing how the patterns repeat generation after generation…
it's incredibly sad…
and yet no one notices until it is too late.

Why do we fail to notice patterns?
Why do we want to believe that people are just going through a bad period…for 40 years or so?
This will be an incredibly sad funeral.

I've got to prepare for tomorrow's lecture.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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