Saturday, October 10, 2015



I am reading a book called, The Body Keeps the Score. Another book about trauma and its aftermath. It talks about in PTSD, particularly depressed people are not connected to their bodies. A familiar object can be placed into their palm, eyes closed, and they won't be able to identify it. Their brains have learned to disconnect, and they've perfected it. It's so sad how many people are walking around in their brains…bodies not connected. It reminds me of a Star Trek episode where there was a race of heads, talking heads. Is that what we really are? The fact that you avoid mirrors is fascinating to me.

What is healthy?
I don't think anyone that is really healthy today. Toxins, stress, pathogens, are everywhere. Our bodies are designed to fight or adapt to these. Unfortunately generations of trauma and stress have accumulated in our genes…and we are more likely to suffer from PTSD, because of alterations in the genes coming from parents' and grandparents' traumatic experiences. I often wonder if the current violence is secondary to World War II, Korea and Viet Nam…not to mention all of the wars in the Middle East. I don't believe there are any unaffected humans any more.

Have we redefined what healthy is? What standards are we using to define health? If there are no really healthy people than it is an abstract ideal. Are humans supposed to live in health or is disease part of the suffering and lessons? I'm not sure what any of the answers are.

We have to fight for healthy food, healthy water, healthy air, healthy relationships, healthy parenting…the list goes on and on.

I was talking with the significant other of one of husband's friends yesterday after the funeral. She was commenting on the catholic service…how wrong catholics are to believe they will go to heaven, because they aren't "born again". I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I was about to ask what her definition of heaven was when she directly asked me what my religion was. I answered, Quaker. She was not familiar, so I said that we believe that there is that of God in all beings, so I treat everyone with honor and dignity, all else flows from that principle. She asked if we are bible based, so I said that we do respect the bible, and other wisdom writings from other faith practices. She was getting more and more frustrated…it was so strange. She basically told me that I would end up in hell unless I am born again. I thanked her for her insight. I haven't been damned to hell in a long time. I'm still thinking about this interaction. I am so thankful for the ability to not be ruled by a fear based religion any more.

I hope that you are having a good day. Enjoy your little ones.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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