Monday, October 26, 2015

long 2 weeks


There are various ways to look at a situation..
part of my therapist training has been to hear a story and think of the various perspectives of the people described in the story. When I point out a different perspective to a clint I have seen on elf two things happen…
1. the AHA moment…
2. how dare you take their side moment…
I assume either is OK an will stimulate the client to go home and think about the words.

I had my second, on-line trauma class…
it was great, except that it was barely audible.
What I did hear was valuable.
He was discussing the difference between adult trauma…
happening to a fully developed brain…
and childhood trauma…
happening to a developing brain- sometimes by trusted caregivers…
No name to that yet…
although it's been referred to as Complex PTSD or Developmental trauma disorder.
The treatment is very different because the damage is very different.

I was considering one of the treatments for myself…
to open up more…
but it's only helpful for flashbacks or intrusive thoughts.

I really like this course though because it's not about medications and prescriptions…
this doctor has done research in the affects of yoga, EMDR, accupressure point tapping…
not rieki though…
I'll have to work on that one.

Anyway, I had a wicked weekend. My youngest got caught with "equipment" and was grounded for 2 weeks…
he becomes obnoxiously belligerent when he is confined…
or when he hears the word "no"…
It's like having a 180 lb 5 years old…
needless to say I was bullied…
and demeaned…
and then he apologizes…
and then repeat the previous steps…
It's going to be a long 2 weeks.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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