Wednesday, October 28, 2015

shaking, or maybe quaking

Hi Maggie,

I have a delightful vision of you stomping around, being just plain mad at the world.  I think you should go up the mountain across the way and have a royal tantrum.  Get it all out and let the trees absorb it!!

It's a Super Full Moon. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it seems to be making everything more intense.

I am mostly tired. I can't seem to shake off the exhaustion. Yet, I woke up at 4:00 am just laid there, awake, waiting for the alarm to go off, being a bit annoyed with my body - because, for crying out loud, it was the perfect time to sleep.

I had a committee meeting here last night and we talked about the process of laying down a meeting. The meeting in question was the first meeting I attended, the meeting I joined.  And when I joined with it, it was a joined meeting.  When I went to Meeting there was Light. I could see the Light. It was physically present, and Friends were there in the Light.  I learned Meeting for worship happens - in the Light.

And as much as I love my current meeting, I never know where everyone else is. I can't find the Light.  I can't find them, even though I know they are in the room with me.

But most of the founding Friends from my first meeting have passed on. The few Friends who are left do not have unity...on anything, much less on laying down the meeting.

I found, as we discussed this, I was cold and shaking and my heart was wide open.  I was afraid I was going to weep.

I was shocked by the depth of my emotion.

I actually asked if, as a Friend, I could call on those beloved old Friends who passed on, or if that was being just a little too Catholic.  One Friend, who is gentle and wise, advised me to do what felt right.

And when I was shaking, she asked, "What is your body telling you?"

I could only shake my head.  I am not in touch enough with my body to know what it is trying to tell me.

But it is an interesting idea, and it ties in with what you have been sharing. Information, or memory or maybe wisdom is stored in our body. So, how do we learn to listen?  How do we trust what we perceive?

Exhausted, so I'm heading to bed...

Love and hugs from Clare

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