Monday, July 14, 2014

peace by peace!!

Your 30 minutes free of pain was a part of the peace by peace you are going through.  It was a promise for the future. Everything will calm down, there will be peace and balance in your life again. All of your life, including your family life.

Maybe Mom can't comfort you because no one ever comforted her. She left us alone to figure things out, to survive.  Because she only survived.  She didn't thrive, we didn't thrive.  But she stayed beside you.  That was a gift.

And the scary thing is that she was the healthy one.  Dad was totally lost.

Crying people used to make me  very nervous.  I thought it was my job to stop it as soon as possible.  Now I know that crying, the vulnerability, it's a gift and I am honored to remain present.  It took some effort to learn that though.  I don't think Mom nor Dad have had that education or experience.  I remember crying in front of Dad once.  He had no idea what to do, so he stayed away from me, which made it all so much more humiliation. I'm not the best parent, but when my kids come to me, I'm not afraid to touch them or to be present with them. 

I'm so glad your son is going to the Anasazi program.  It feels right.  And I am glad that you and his Dad are at peace with this.  I will hold him in the Light every night, along with my brood. 

My crazy middle of the night musings have continued -- the ones that teach me that the pain we feel is the pain the Earth feels.  As we heal, she heals.

It is close to my bedtime. I will leave you with love and wishes for a good night's sleep.

I love you,


peace by peace - I love it!!!!!!

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