Thursday, March 7, 2013

violence is just wrong

So your definition of honor killings made the hair stand up on the back of my neck...
We need to change all attitudes about violence...
even towards the perpetrators...
many perpetrators are previously abused...acting from habits...familial patterns
Instead of killing or hurting anyone we can try compassion.
I love the image you shared before about the native Americans who circle the person and help them to see their errors...but also their innate worth and worthiness to realign with nonviolent, compassionate living.

I dislike the feminist approach to perpetrators...they are all bad...always making conscious decisions to control and hurt...always in control of their actions.
Some people, and I would dare say that many perpetrators of violence, are so cut off from their own soul that they fail to consider their actions and the consequences of them.
I believe that they are acting from a place of isolation and disconnect and so they don't consider the other.
They are that black hole that you describe in the caught up in their own pain that they don't see the victim.
I am not suggesting that they are not responsible...they are...but there are confounding issues at mental abnormal brain development because of their early life substance's not a simple one for one responsibility.
I understand feminist's anger, but their lack of holistic understanding confuses me.
I was recently told that domestic violence and rape isn't like child abuse and bullying...because of the long history of patriarchal dominance and maltreatment...what the hell is child abuse and bullying but the same energy on a different playing field. Interpersonal violence is consistently a control issue...across the board.

I just don't understand the need to silo each type of offense...then it takes multiple coalitions to fight one great wrong...violence..instead of turf wars between rape crisis, DV, child abuse advocates, etc.

Sorry, I'm on my soap box...
More tomorrow,

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