Monday, March 11, 2013

moving forward...rediscover chastity

I think that if your youngest is content with working in a winery that is where she should stay...I guess my reservation with that statement is that she told me many times how she wanted so much, travel, adventure. I hope that she is content and not find herself bored or with regrets in a few years which means the baby will lose out.

I loved the quote about all women being connected...but I picture all beings, women, animals, me the whole of that connection is the sacred. I think that if we separate men and women as different energies we will lose the connections even more so. We need to redefine relationships...remove the stereotypical attitudes about beings because of their chromosome patterns. I am in a class with a very slight young man, he is engaged to be married. We were talking about physical abuse in relationships...and he innocently shared that his fiancée hits him...he couldn't see that behavior as abnormal. I think we have to redefine normal, healthy, nurturing relationship. I was reading in a Quaker newsletter about sexuality. They defined 'chaste' as a mutually caring, non-exploitative, consensual relationship...we all need to rediscover chastity....heck I always thought it meant someone imposing their belief that sex was bad and therefore you should avoid it at all cost to yourself.

I sent a letter of interest and my CV to a local university for consideration as a faculty member (full time) in the social work department, it would allow me to do research and potentially organize students to advocate...I saw the posting on Saturday and spent all evening, yesterday, updating my CV and writing a cover letter. I have no idea what their reaction will be, but I have asked two people who are well known to that department to write letters for hopefully that will convince them that my lack of social work experience isn't too big a hurdle to overcome. I also asked the head of my current department...because I thought it was a good idea, and also because I don't think that he believes that I probably won't be teaching biology next year.

It is true, what you pulled out of my last post...accepting our parents for who they are seems to be a necessary hurdle to get over. I will hold that and see where it leads me. I am just scared of being pulled back into the denial and pretenses. I just want to stay on the saner side of life for a know?

So Brene Brown is going to be at Omega, in Rhinebeck, NY in September (20 - 22) as part of a women and power retreat...want to go with me? I am so tempted to go to multiple retreats...drumming, shamanism, empowerment... Let me know.

I love you...

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