Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy First Day of Spring

Just a quick note to check in.
I ran all day...and had really no time to think about life.
I am being frustrated by personal agendas...every meeting I have had recently has been tainted by personal agendas...people trying to advance their own point of view.

When I left Catholicism...I was asking alot of questions...and I was told that I needed to accept the teachings and dogma without question...I was told that if I couldn't do that perhaps I didn't belong within that religion.
I am having a similar experience with domestic violence...I cannot buy into the feminist model...that all men are dangerous and all women are victims...I do believe that some men and women are dangerous and that with compassion and intervention they can potentially change their ways. Any way...when I voice my opinion I am given a lesson from the feminist model expected to accept that. I don't want to walk away because the perceptions need to change and perhaps I can help change them from the inside.

I am frustrated by group work that I have to do for a class and I am letting that frustration occupy my thoughts.
Why do I allow myself to be distracted by negative thoughts?
I allow it too frequently to happen.

So we are coming up on one year of this Blog...
That is really hard to believe.
I believe that I/we have made amazing progress in one year.
I looked back to the early posts...
they were heart breaking for me to write and post...
and now they seem like a distant memory.

But, there is still that swamp to clear up...
is that the goal?
Now that I write that I am not sure if that is the goal...
I am not sure.
Do we clarify the waters...potentially removing the fertile nature of the swamp?
Do we learn to live and thrive in the swamp...absorbing nutrients/lessons from it?
Or do we do both...or is there another alternative?

I have been thinking about Mom alot recently...
I keep telling myself that I will call...and then I forget...maybe subconsciously I am avoiding.

Happy first day of Spring,

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