Saturday, March 9, 2013

A surprising day

Yesterday was big for surprising ways.
At the office of my internship, a young woman also works...she is in professional school...trying to make her way despite many similarities with my life story.
She was very upset because of car trouble that was leaving her feeling quite vulnerable and unprepared...but the real, deep root of the reason that she was upset was that her family, particularly her mother had accompanied her when she bought the car 3 months ago...but sat reading a magazine while the young woman looked at it and negotiated it...she failed to help her make a big decision...and now the mother is saying, "I told you so"..."Why did you rush into that decision?", etc.
The young woman looked me in the eye and said, "Love your kids, help your kids...'cause if you don't it leaves them really messed up."
We spent a long time sharing stories...I was surprised that I told her that if she wanted her mother to be in her life she would have to accept her as she is. That she can only change her mind and thoughts. That her mother was probably coming from a very 'flawed' place and that she is doing the best that she can do under the circumstances. I did share that her tears are good...and that she shouldn't try to bury them or the emotions that stimulate them. I told her how numb I I am working with a counselor to find those emotions within myself and feel again...and how hard it is to live numb and isolated.

I then had a long conversation with another young woman about goals and dreams and how when windows of opportunity open you are safe to go through them. I spoke about my going to college and our sisters who got married right away. I actually spoke of your youngest daughter and her opportunities, first as a nanny and then as a classroom assistant, and how she didn't take them....and how her life might look like if she had. We talked about choices...we all have free will to make those choices, and then we are required to live with the consequences of those choices for a long time.

And then last night we watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower...about a young man...dealing with the aftermath of sexual abuse by his was heartbreaking.

Alot to think about. I will be back later. Right now it is time for ThunderBay

love and Light,

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