Saturday, February 13, 2016

stay warm


Thanks for the wisdom. I, too, came to the place of wait and let it unfold today during a conversation with husband. I am impatient. One of my life lessons this incarnation is patience. But, I want to make it all happen NOW. I am frustrated with myself.

To fill you in…
S#5 tried to talk to my older son about his friends here at home. She tried to advise him to leave them all behind and find better friends who won't use him and influence him to use drugs. He was not ready to hear those words. He is moving away from them now, but it is in his own time and way. While he was living with her he was unhappy at the public school because he was one of only a few white students. He saw kids with guns and knives in school. The kids spoke to each other in threatening ways- banter mostly- that he did not understand. He didn't know if they were serious or joking. It was hard to come back from the desert- a place of unconditional love and acceptance and walk into a setting that confusing. He made a friend who got high after school and he got pulled back into smoking.
He ran back home because she was confused by his weakness (his perception) and homesickness.

I am taking the older young man to Meeting with me tomorrow. I hope there are other older kids attending, so he's not alone in First Day School. I just hope he doesn't hate it. The younger one went back this evening, but asked to return tomorrow. We're going to pick him up in the mid-afternoon and having him again. I have to find a way to connect with him. He likes to head directly to the basement and play video games. I think we're going to watch a movie tomorrow.

I am officially finished at the counseling center and working at the community collaboration agency. I am slightly uneasy as to how to jump in. I have been given a project that is already in motion. I have to figure out what needs to be done when. I will be more comfortable in a few weeks once I've got a little work under my belt. The woman who hired me said the nicest thing on Thursday while we were driving to a meeting together. She told me, "I prayed a long time for you." I think that's one of the nicest things anyone has directly said to me.

I am not going to be able to do Sister's week in March. I have to travel in March and April for this job and can't get away for another week in less than 30 days. Husband will go crazy trying to handle everything alone. I'm so sorry.

I hope you are staying warm.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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