Monday, June 1, 2015

Me too…raise the cry

I hope that the events of the recent and not so recent past will teach a level of tolerance…
not for molestation or rape…
but to look more closely at the needs of all of the victims.
To see the previous trauma of a molester and help them to process that pain so they're not just labeled bad and ostracized…victims need to be heard…
Me Too…
it's a powerful, uniting message.
Me Too.

I just returned home from a visit to my oldest's university for the next 2 years. It is such a different atmosphere compared with her alma mater, the state university. It is small and quiet. People seemed to be very welcoming and responsive to questions. We drove 6+ hours to spend 2 hours on campus, but it was worth it to get a sense of the place. It was great to spend the entire day with just her. She's grown up, and I love talking with her. She's got great insight and outlook. She is a blessing and a pleasure.

My older son finished the year one course shy of graduating. I've written about this before, but his grades are in and he's passed everything with the exception of the class he dropped. I understand that he is prolonging his adolescence, but if he had only worked a bit harder…
He will finish that course next fall and graduate in December. He did really well in his classes and I'm proud of him for persevering. He missed the first month of school because he was in Arizona. Returned and had to take cyber school classes until his birthday mid-September. Then wen to S#5's house until November. Re joined his class at the high school. Stopped going to class in January and had to basically take a full year of material on virtual/cyber between February and May. I'm glad that is behind us…one more english class and he'll graduate. Then the next choice will be his.

Tired from the drive…not much else in my head.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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