Saturday, June 13, 2015


Good very early morning Maggie!

Today was my only day to sleep until I woke up naturally - no alarm clock.  But, at 5:44 my dog came and put her front feet on the bed and gave me the doe-eyes.  I petted her for a few minutes, but she didn't climb up.  She is getting old and is having kidney problems. So when she has to go, she has to go immediately and she goes a lot. 

So we're up.

We, my dog and I, have to get the house clean. And we have to bake.  And my oldest is coming over to work on math with me.  Once this course is finished, she will have earned her bachelors. Then my youngest and the babe, as well as my closest friend will come for dinner before we all go to a contra dance.  Fun day in store.  Then tomorrow we have a family dinner for four of the five birthday celebrants we have in the first two weeks of June.  The fifth is my boy out west. 

And it is raining again.  We have been having wild thunderstorms almost daily.  We were on tornado watch last night - our village was specifically mentioned in the list.  Everyone was calling each other to make sure we all knew.  Because of radar, we could anticipate more vividly. 

The baby is afraid of thunder, as is the aformentioned fur-baby.  I sat in the west window and watched.  The others sat under my desk, and the baby went to sleep - always a good escape!

I woke up listening to rain. Everything is so soft here.  It feels like the Earth is vulnerable.  We lose trees in the high winds because the ground is so soft - it can't anchor the roots.

I thought about this for awhile, before we had to get up and go out in the rain.

Last night, during the raging storm, I tried to send love to the Earth, to Gaia.  I love that understanding that the planet is sentient.  The first time I heard the hypothesis, I felt truth in my soul.  I was aware that these storms are a way to balance.

In the early morning, listening to rain, I thought about us, our species, and what we are doing to the planet's health.  We are like a rogue virus.  But not all of us. So, it's almost like we are not one species.  There is more than one species of human if we look at attitude and lifestyle rather than just at biological organism.  The key might be to just love us all, as a way back to health and balance.

So I started thinking about my body and all the microbes that combine to make me.  And all of the imbalances that cause disease.  And I realized I have to love all of me - everything I contain.

I worked on that a little.

I thought about imbalances caused by abuse and neglect humans cause each other and was overwhelmed by feelings from the rape and disregard our species has inflicted on this planet.  I really felt a one-ness.  What happens to the Earth, happens to us.

There was more, and it gets weirder...another day.

I hope you have a nice weekend.  A full day is just before me. Time to smile and power through!

Love and hugs from Clare

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