Tuesday, June 23, 2015

shining light into the dark corners


I'm so glad that you played today…
sounds like a lot of fun.

I have spent most of my day in the car for the past 2 days…
yesterday I went 30 minutes south to the car repair shop…
then home...
then 30 minutes north to the dentist…
then 20 minutes east to the natural food store…
then 90 minutes south to the reiki healer…
then 90 minutes north to son#2's school for football conditioning.

Today I went an hour north to the veterinary surgeon…
back home…
then an hour west to work…
then 30 minutes north to son's practice…
tomorrow back to work.

I am going to be finished with that job next Tuesday…
it will be good to not travel so much.

My younger son wants to go back to Arizona to hike and camp. My oldest also wants to go along. Husband isn't convinced he can get away. I may go in August just to decompress and relax. I may go even if no one else wants to go along. It might be good for me.

So, I think you've identified patterns of behavior…
run or walk away…
or numb with some substance or activity…
Are there other reactions?
I think that some people do fight/process the negative emotions…
try to conquer them…
respond thoughtfully rather than just react.
I think that's the purpose of therapy…
I hope there's something to be gained from it.
To fight or process against the negativity you have to become aware of it…
and then you must shine the Light onto it…
find out what's hiding behind the negative energy…
grief, anger, etc are symptoms…
substance abuse and addictive behaviors are symptoms...
identify the cause…
shine the Light on the root cause and only then can it be dealt with.

So, my reiki healer told me that my body parts are complaining…
my feet are overworked…
my boob lumps want to be admired…
my genitals want something to happen…
It's hard to get back in touch with this body after all that's happened.
Even with all of the complaints she said I am holding together my energy grids pretty well…
no more divide at the belt meridian.

Love and Light until tomorrow,

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