Wednesday, June 17, 2015

fulfilling potential and purpose


I quit my job today…
the outreach job with the social work association.
At a meeting yesterday the interim director announced, "everyone will be getting their raises, Oh except you, Jeanne, of course."
I had to let that sink in…
why haven't I earned a raise?
So, I went into the office today and asked why I was passed over for a raise?...
"you haven't even been here a year."
But I have worked for them for 18 months…
Then there was this awkward explanation about how the previous directors just created positions that seemed like a good idea, but really weren't sustainable- or necessary.
So, I am unnecessary and undervalued?
By the end of the day they offered me a 2% increase…
that comes to a 40 cents per hour increase…
with no promise what will happen once the new director starts.
I politely refused the offer.

My first medical job…
the office staff was at a Christmas celebration…
I went to the ladies room and when I got back people were acting weirdly distant…
the boss gave them all their bonus checks while I was gone because he wasn't giving me a bonus…
How do I work so hard for such little recognition?

There is a lesson in this for me…
not sure when it will surface…
but I'll let you know when it makes sense.

Do I belong in the professional workforce?
Sometimes I wonder what I'm supposed to be doing…
and then I think, I'm doing good every day- even if it's unpaid.
Is that enough?
Does that fulfill my purpose in this life?
I'm not worried about the money…
I want to work towards reaching my fullest potential and purpose.
Sometimes though, my ego wants to be recognized for something I've accomplished.

So, I've spent the afternoon searching for jobs and applying online.

Off to feel sorry for myself…
Love and Light beautiful sister,
PS- I love your visuals…I wish I could see my emotions and memories as you do. Have you heard of the new Disney movie? It's an animated film about the inner world of a little girl. Each emotion is portrayed by a different celebrity voice.

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