Friday, June 5, 2015



I think that we can be safe enough…
in most situations…
it has to do with trust…
in our own abilities and in others.
Trust is the key to safety.
Are we safe in a storm?
If we seek reliable shelter.
Are we safe on the highway?
If we trust the other driver to stay on their side of the road.
Are we safe with another person?
If they connect with us in a trustworthy manner.

So the question, as I see it isn't about safe enough, it's do I trust enough?

Today is graduation day…
my son is not graduating.
I thought I was OK with this, but am feeling saddened by his missing this milestone. I know he will be finished in 6 months, but I wish he was finishing with the cohort that he began with. We have a lot of friends whose children are graduating, and yet are not going to celebrate.
We haven't been invited to any graduation parties…
it's like people are afraid to ask what's going on.
It's kind of ridiculous to feel this as a loss…
but that is how it is reading in my mind and heart.
He is irritable today…
I believe it is weighing heavily on him as well…
I've asked him to use good judgement and not drive intoxicated…
call me anytime for a ride.
I am asking the Angels of Protection to be with him this evening and night…
my reiki healer says that works…
I will trust in that.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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