Tuesday, May 5, 2015

mixed feelings

Hi Maggie,

I think we all have mixed feelings about our kids.  And I think parenting is best learned by practice. Unfortunately, by the time we figure things out, and actually have a clue - they are gone.  That thought takes me back to my ever-present belief that humans are a tribal species.  If we lived in healthy tribes, the generations would be present to help, to advise, to share enthusiasm as well as wisdom.  Instead we have exhausted young parents working and spending evenings with their kids, or one parent isolated with their kids.  Neither is healthy.

When I was on the farm, when the kids were young, we never managed to organize an intentional community, but I always longed for that lifestyle.  My oldest does tell people she was born on a commune though - referring to the shared farm we lived on so many years ago. I didn't realize how healthy the lifestyle was while I was in it...

When I first read about your statement at work, I thought you were talking about your role as  parent - this is not what you signed up for.  I was delighted for a moment, until I read correctly - you were making a strong statement at work.

Well, good for you.

And do protect yourself.  Stepping into the lion's den is a brave thing to do, and you'll probably find moments of unbearable vulnerability...which is probably when you will truly shine.

When I visit the west, I routinely get to experience wildfires.  I've never been in danger, but I have been aware.  Today I saw that there is a wildfire in the Catskill Mountains. for some reason, having a wildfire on the east coast is freaking me out. It feels too different - like there's too much change.

And we need rain.  I planted a lot of veggies, and now I'd really like Mother Nature to rain on me/them/us...

I am tired. Not the good kind of tired.  And it is dark. I will be back tomorrow.

Love and hugs from Clare

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