Saturday, May 9, 2015

Good day

Rex Ambler…
I've never heard that name before. So what are his discoveries? What do we have to do to explore those things?

I like the idea that we are too dense…
that sounds like the epidemic of depression that I'm seeing…
and feeling.
Too dense to really see and feel the Light.
I often sing a song…
not often enough obviously…
Open my eyes…help me to see your face.
Open my ears…help me to hear your voice.
Open my heart…help me to love like you.
I think that could be  a "mantra" to lighten.

Yesterday I was driving to work…
up and over a beautiful hill…
and I thought of my mulch pile, my son working at home, and B#4 working at my house…
I drove home.
I told the office I wasn't feeling well…
which isn't totally untrue.
I have been wiped out driving home from there for the past month.
I went home, mulched for several hours…
did some work from home…
and laughed with my family.
B#4 has a way of getting my boys to talk and laugh…
he's really good with them…
I wish he were here more often.
Daughter #2 showed up in the middle of it all and she joined in the merriment.
It felt like a celebration…
but that's what every day should feel like.
We should laugh every day.
Yesterday felt great.

My youngest went to prom last night.
He took a young woman who he really likes. She is a good influence on him. She is focused but fun. She is involved in theater and vocal music. She has parents that keep a close eye on her and she is respectful towards them.
We picked them up afterward…
my son said it was a "perfect night"…
because she made it perfect. I think she was touched by that.
He is really blossoming at this school. He seems to have found his niche.

Today we go to separate graduations…
tomorrow all will be home to enjoy family time on mothers day.
I do not really celebrate it…
I acknowledge it…
appreciate the gathering of my kids and express gratitude…
I hope.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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