Thursday, May 14, 2015

a bit more connected

It seems to me that it would be easier to shine/direct the Light into the darkness to dispel shadows and dark places. But that is forcing the Light, not inviting others to step into it. I have to think about that.

I'm sorry that nephew had an accident. I hope they have insurance to replace the car. I'm glad that your daughter was able to calm down and work with the reality of the situation rather than remain angry.

I had an interesting day. I worked with 5 clients today. Each is special in their own way. My third one, a young, disabled woman, was sharing her fears of moving into the future, unknown, unchartered territories. I found myself totally immersed in a sense of knowing…
and saying some amazing shit…
Things I didn't know to say…
We were both teary eyed by the end of the experience.
I've never gotten that caught up in my therapy.
I feel as if I was channeling the message.
It was powerful.
I wish I had taped the encounter because it was not my own wisdom…
and I can learn as much as she can from it.
I apologized for getting carried away…
I did more talking than she did.
She told me that she's had 3 therapists and that I am different…
even though I don't give homework, I give her ideas to work through each and every week and they are helping her.
I admitted that I do not work from a "plan"…
each session is spontaneous and guided…
I didn't tell her that it is truly spirit led.
That's what this therapy stuff is all about…
guiding another towards the Light of peace, joy, acceptance, enough, centering.

So today I am a bit more connected.
I am a little more in touch with my feelings and those of others.
What else could I ask for?

I am excited about the adversity class. I've been planning it in my head today when I wasn't working. I'm so excited to have a creative project opening for me.

I've spent the past 2 evenings moving daughter #2 back into an upstairs bedroom and son #1 into the basement bedroom. My body hurts. I'm kind of on a spring cleaning kick and it seemed to make sense to move them if I was shifting all of the furniture to clean the room. I think husband is annoyed that I an disrupting the house this much. He sees it as a nuisance. I started when B#4 was replacing windows in my bedroom and I realized how much animal hair was hiding under a cedar chest. There was a dust(fur) bunny the size of my fist…then I decided I needed to really clean this spring. So I'm almost through the whole house…I feel better…like I've got a fresh start to the year. I hope it stays clean for the next 5 or so years so that I don't have to repeat this soon.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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