Thursday, November 20, 2014


Reading more about Cosby.  I've read that it was an open secret that he drugged and raped women.  I've read that he had a comedy bit about how easy it is to drug women.  I read that this all went public when a man accused him of being a serial rapist.  When women spoke, they were not heard. Because, of course, a woman can't tell if it is rape.

I saw a man had written that all a woman being forced into oral sex has to do is bite...

Again, our fault.

I remember reading a story about a hawk that grabbed a bad natured cat.  As he lifted off, with prey in talons, the cat struggled and fought. The hawk was  surprised, because prey usually succumbs, surrenders. 

I was wondering if there are specific people who are predator, and others who are prey.  Because I know that when I was the prey, I froze.  There is something about the institutionalized obedience, especially coming from Catholic school, that kicks in.  We are trained to obedience...

Obey. Endure.  Wait for it to be over...

Is that describing rape or life.....?????

I have been talking to our nephew about some of our family history.  He asked if a man sexually abuses his own children, does that make him a pedophile?  Does it? Dad was not a predator. But he did discharge pain be reenacting what happened to him...I am speculating, but it seems to be the truth. Is that pedophilia?  Or something else?

Lots to think about...Exhausted as usual.

Missing you!


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