Sunday, November 23, 2014


I had three kids overnight last night.  With all the time the littlest spends with me, an overnight was just too much.  She cried for her mama for about an hour and a half tonight.I am so tired.

I mostly kept my cool by digging into my compassion, trying to realize how much she needs that primary attachment. Understanding her frustration because she has no say in what happens to her.

It is Christmas ad time again, I am seeing all the spots with the very good little middle class kids in their cozy homes getting lots of gifts, looking oh-so-sweet.

It sort of triggers some discomfort I have been feeling with the bedtime book of poems and lullabys I read aloud almost every night...the stories of babies snug in bed, safe with mama.

I saw the cover of a documentary about children sold into sexual slavery.  But we don't see that. We don't see homeless families or hungry children. We see and believe the images of middle class America with well-loved, protected children.

And those who appear middle class, still aren't protected and valued so much of the time.

It's all illusion to keep us calm and blind...

I was thinking of a  game a group of good Catholic teens used to play. It was called Choo-Choo Train.  Two people were a  train and went into a room...they came out and choo-chooed around picking up one more person each time. When one had a chance, they said - The name of the game is pass it down the line. And the first would kiss the second, etc.

It seems like the abuse in our families is that same game.  Pass it down the line. But then I thought of the predator pedophile, looking for any available child - and considered that now they have infected a whole new line with Pass it down the line.  It seems that in the not too distant future, to be sexually abused will be the norm.

Is that the target?  Our society goal?  A whole social level bred to obedience to the predators among us?

Tomorrow will come early...Hope you are home and well...

Love and hugs,


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