Tuesday, November 25, 2014

onion marmalade

Hey!  You're back!!  Missed you!!  Worried a little too!!!

Does the program have counselors to keep in touch with the young men who have come through their program?  It sounds as if your oldest needs the connection, to remember who he is.  He is also the right age for the Woolman Semester in Nevada City, Cali.  They are probably enrolling for the semester that goes from January - May. He may earn enough credits to graduate. But he does have to agree not to smoke pot on campus.  When my youngest was there, the school had to expel a student for the first time for smoking weed.

What is happening with the younger son now that he is home and reorienting?

I never thought of Uncle B. as a predator, but you are right. I never thought that he might be manipulating or directing.  I thought he hurt, his victims hurt others.  I am suddenly angry that we might be moved to speak out after his death.  We need to know while the predator is still alive.  Why do we not feel safe when the attacker is,alive...probably, because we aren't safe. Not physically. Not emotionally.  Not psychologically.

I made cranberry chutney tonight. And I'm going to make some onion marmalade after I write this. I love new recipes. I also love Thanksgiving. I was trying to figure out why, and I came to two conclusions. First,I love being part of the very humane, long-held harvest festival. People who had to raise their own food and to be ready to survive the winter always celebrated.  I love being part of that. Second, I love the simplicity.  So far, THEY have not managed to be able to commercialize the holiday.  We don't have to send cards, buy gifts, decorate, buy special clothes. We just gather and cook and talk and sing and play.  It is perfect.

One more long day tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my last early morning for a few days...Yowie!!  I had a dream about work last night.  Actually I have fairly regular nightmares about forgetting work or oversleeping.  I watch the alarm clock all night - I am that anal.  Or reliable...Last night I dreamed that there were people here, noisy people. And my camera didn't work.  And I couldn't tell what time it was. I could see that I was missing lessons, but I shut off the computer and said,"F. it!"  I woke up and thought, "Uh-oh..."

Not sure what's up...

But I'm going to my kitchen to have fun...Love and hugs,


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