Friday, November 14, 2014



I feel as if I should print the Secrets article out for a number of my clients, or post it on the wall of my therapy room. It is powerful. I ordered the book- I am addicted to books and that seems like the next good book on my shelf.

I am supposed to be cross-stitching a stocking for my oldest's boyfriend. I have everything ready to start, but can't seem to get that first stitch placed. I made the excuse that my eyes need help, so I've got to pick up a magnifying light to make it workable. But, I don't know. I'm having trouble settling into anything in the evening. I am busy all day, then make, eat and clean up dinner and then I don't know what to do. I can't get into reading, stitching, nothing interests me. I feel as if there is something I should be doing, but can't figure out what that is. I'm listless.

What am I looking for?

I am very excited to retrieve my youngest, but there is some apprehension too. I have a lot of worries about him managing his time well with no school schedule to follow. I ran into 2 friends that I know through his friendships with their sons and they both told me how smart and talented and strong he is. I know all of that, but I know the darker aspects too. I have to let those behind and walk forward.

I have to run to work.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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