Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Home again

I am back. My oldest needed to use my computer yesterday to work on assignments so I never touched it through the day.

Arizona was amazing- as expected. My youngest is so proud of his accomplishments, his commitments to sobriety and forward walking. He has asked to go to church with his Dad again, realizing that the Creator is personal, and has suggested he come to Meeting with me as well.

My older son is struggling. He is bored and out of sorts in S#5's home. Not because of her  or her family, but because he misses his friends. He missed a week of school for bronchitis 2 weeks ago. Then returned to MD, went to school one day and left. He got a report card, failing english, and gave up. He admitted to smoking pot again and is overusing a credit card we gave him for gas and essentials. He is acting as if he once again believes he is a failure.

I am trying to maintain an open and supportive position. Asking him what he wants from school. Trying to give him time to think about his goals. He's already said he doesn't want to go to college next year, but a diploma would benefit him. I'm also giving him space to consider forward walking- making good choices- conjuring up memories of how good it felt to walk in the Light. All the while loving him.

The Cosby thing is disturbing. I haven't allowed it to percolate through my brain though. Women don't make up stories of rape or molestation. Most often they suppress it. Men want to believe that their kind isn't capable of harm, but we know that isn't true.

I've been thinking about Uncle B, in the hospital with a head injury. I've been wondering what stories will be told after his death. He was a predator. I often wonder if he was involved in my traumas, if not directly maybe directing the others. I don't know.

I've got to run to work.
Love and Light,

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