Monday, April 20, 2015

the best I can


I have read books on food production…
It motivated me to embrace vegetarianism.
But, I am not free of the system by any means.
I try to buy organic, free range for my family…
and it's not always available.
I've learned to purchase smaller amounts of meat at a greater price. Luckily most of my family has lost its taste for flesh…
except for the boys…
still stuck on bacon cheeseburgers…

I know that veganism is not a true option…
we are continually consuming microscopic organisms…
unbeknownst to us.
I try to make good, healthy choices…
but, the producers only give us partial information…
sometimes misleading information…
sometimes it's a downright lie.

I do the best I can.

My son has settled somewhat. He had a true brace with his own mortality this weekend. Now he says he's done with drugs for good. He asked me not to share the story with anyone, but he's been scared straight…
at least for the immediate future.
We go to visit the reiki healer tonight. I hope he confides in her to gain some perspective.
I hope that my body is better integrated…
but I don't feel integrated.
I am tired and achey…
kind of scattered sensation.

I just made a phone call for my youngest. He has to do community service hours for his high school- so I arranged for him to work at the local raptor preserve this weekend to fulfill part of that requirement. It will be a good break for him…he goes there when he's really stressed.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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