Thursday, April 23, 2015

kid weekend

Oh God, I understand old.  I understand tired. There must be something about this week...I feel like a lump, like I can't stand up straight.

I know it will pass. It  always does.

You, I think, need more rest.  I am not sure how you are going to swing that, though. Maybe you need to just sit for awhile, instead of trying so hard to get things done. Be tender with yourself.  Maybe there's something to be learned in sitting still...Maybe it's not the waste of time you imagine.

I am going to have a kid weekend.  I will have two of them tomorrow afternoon. Probably three of them overnight the next night.  Then they will go to First Day School and we'll all come back here for the little one's second birthday dinner.  Yesterday was another birthday -  our little western girl is now three years old.

I had a committee meeting here earlier this week.  We had centering worship to begin.  In the past, I would center down into the silence by sinking into myself.  It was effective.  I found a deep place within, and sometimes even found the Light.  But ever since I have been reworking my existence - my body is in my soul.  My body is a tool or an instrument used by the soul to function here...Ever since, things have been different.  When I went into the silence this week, my soul quieted and then peeled my body open. It was so strange, but so cool.

I feel bigger.

When I took the baby for a walk, pushed her stroller down an old road in the woods, I felt my soul interacting with the trees and the ground.

I like this.

I read a weird article from a social media site - one never knows what one will find!!  It said there is a woman who can read the Akashic records.  She said the planet used to be Light, but it fell into this slower density and has been struggling to get out of it. I never thought about the Earth's sentience in relation to current problems. I always assumed it was our species' fall.

Something new to gnaw on at night,

Hope you are feeling more rested and hopeful today.  I love you and miss you a lot!


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