Thursday, September 19, 2013


I just looked at a series of portraits of young women holding signs.  Each was raped and the signs are quotes from her rapist.
  "You wanted it.
  "Relax and enjoy it..."

There is an absolute disconnect with some men.  Others know they are violating someone - but their own pain is more important than what they are doing to another person...

I am a bit emotional.

Thank you for using the analogy of the broken wrist.  When I thought of suffering, the pain I felt as I healed, the occasional pain I still feel, seemed like the simplest comparison I could fathom.  That was why I kept going back to it.  It is so hard to describe, even recognize, emotional and psychological suffering.  It shapeshifts and we have so many ways to numb or to rationalize.  I am a master of misleading myself.  Of sidetracking myself.

Tell me more about Gestalt therapy.  I have heard the name, but I don't know what it is.

I read an article today about the ways social media have been used to direct public opinion.  Certain corporations have been forced to change policy because of public outcry - info going viral.

I was thinking about a campaign where we reinterpret messages.  We "believe" men can't help themselves, and so they use that perception to do what they want.  Let's remind them of their innate humanity and nobility.  No true man would rape a woman or molest a child.  Let's find ways of defining women as being valuable.

I don't know...just playing with ideas.  But our cultural conditioning needs to be - reconditioned.  I guess we need to see the rape culture in its many aspects.

I was talking to a woman in France.  We were talking about the rape culture here.  She said she didn't think they had it there.  I started asking questions - about wearing short skirts, about walking alone - especially at night.  She thought about her answers, then realized she does live in a rape culture.

How do we get safe?  How do we find male allies who model humane behavior for other men?  Humans learn best by imitation.

I need to get to bed.  My day starts very early tomorrow...

I love you!!


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