Wednesday, July 24, 2013

we hurt the ones we love...

I had a job interview today.
It was a charter school based position...
what I told myself I did not want to do...
but I really liked the woman I spoke with and her commitment to children.
I have not heard from the other positions I applied for...
except one phone interview that was so cold and impersonal...
I don't think I want that one even if it was offered.
This would be part-time, allow me to continue to teach at the University and continue to do research...
and it would give me the same schedule as my boys...
that is the biggest selling point of the whole deal.

I have always told myself that when my kids lashed out at me it was because they trusted my love...
I know that...
but it still rips me apart when he acts so coldly.
I always end our conversations with "I Love You" so that he can understand it doesn't turn on and off.

Tell me about that neighborhood boy. I know you've referred to him before, but tell me about him.
I remember a group of kids would get up on that flat roof at the back of our yard and throw nuts or rocks or something at us. Didn't we lose our dog because he was defending us against them?

I just can't believe how incredibly bad our experience of living in that town was. I often wonder if 'bad' was attracted there. I have gone back through town 2 times and neither time stopped to get out and walk around. When the song, "The House that Built Me", was released I almost went back and asked to walk around, but resisted that impulse. I am not sure what I would find or feel going back there.

I am intrigued and frightened about the idea of looking for the neighbor girl. Maybe I will reactivate Facebook just long enough to search her name...but then what/

More tomorrow,

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