Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Many facets of money

Money represents so many things...some positive and some negative...most challenging.
the root of all evil
the path to a life of ease
to be hoarded, making one selfish
to be shared, making one generous
can't buy happiness or health

So what parts of that scares you?
Do you fear being limited by lack of money or by the opportunities that having money would allow?
You have lived frugally for know that you can handle that.
Perhaps it is the thought of taking on a different role that terrifies you.
The thought of change terrifies most people.
Maybe it was all of those sermons about how difficult it is for the rich to go to heaven...remember the camel through the eye of the needle?
Maybe you are maintaining because it is don't particularly like the role that you are in...not having enough at times to do the things that you want to do.
Maybe this is why you were anxious about the gift of a house and felt some relief when the offer was retracted. It was unfair to withdraw a potential gift from you...but it did make you wonder about many aspects of the consequences and judgements of others if you had received it.
Maybe if you did make more money you would have to reassess priorities...
Maybe you had a past life in which you were wealthy and you suffered because of it.

I had this thought...I was accused of gold-digging when I married husband because he would make a good salary...those people failed to acknowledge that I too had similar earning potential...that we might both contribute to our household. People make assumptions about money and how it affects of us. And remember, we were raised to be people pleasers.

I am not making a lot of sense...sorry

Love and Light,

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