Thursday, July 4, 2013

Chain of anger stops here

I want to share this song with you.
I love the line, "the love is stronger than fear... your father's chain of anger stops right here".

A friend is in Colorado at the FGC gathering and this man sang, my friend sent me the link because he knows of my struggles. He cared enough to pass it along.

Perhaps that what family is...
knowing someone well enough and caring about them enough to share important, meaningful moments.
I keep going back to the image of a mother responding to her child's cries...
evaluating intuitively what the cause of the tears is...and responding compassionately.
That type of whole body, intuitive open-ness to others is the root of knowing them well.

We're back to being open, authentic and vulnerable...Maybe that's what real family is based upon.

Making mistakes, saying things that aren't meant, unintentionally hurting one another are all going to happen within a family...
but so is forgiveness, and growth, and learning life's lessons.
So where and when was that line crossed?
When did we stop asking for forgiveness, or recognizing the damage we were doing to each other?
Why are we still so blinded by our fear and guilt that we fail to see our wounds and recognize the need to expose and heal them. Just as a laceration or burn needs to be derided and cleansed to allow the removal of dead, unhealthy flesh so do our psychic, internal wounds need to be tended to and healed.
Shining the Light into those secret places to allow opening and understanding.

I saw a quote that read,
Real eyes 
real lies.

Maybe the key to opening to each other is to pray for and practice open-ness. I believe that the way is walking through the wounds and memories, just as we have been doing this past year or so. The journey through the swamp.

You are the one who sees you as the loser have to change the way that you are judging yourself before others will know you for you.

Love and Light

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