Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the universe of our senses is just the tip of a vast, largely hidden cosmic iceberg

I saw a beautiful quote today, that I can't quite remember, but it was talking about our perceptions as humans.  We sense only the tip of the iceberg as far as what the universe truly is.  And I had this sudden expanded feeling, like maybe we were on the brink of understanding something bigger, of stepping away from the limited view that holds us in this pain and enslaved suffering.  So I know it's out there, possibly imminent, but I don't know how we get there.  Just keep the heart open and trust, I suppose!

We talked once, about the agreements we make before we come here.  I think we choose to experience certain situations, and perhaps to try to heal certain situations.  I always go back to one of my friend's observations - we are soul families.  We are working together on the same issues.  So you and I and all of our siblings and cousins and extended family chose to step into the Delana Slime, generations worth of stored, swampy pain.  I really don't think we understood how hard this would be.  Bearing all the pain we endured as children damaged our potential adult self more than we imagined possible.  Yet we were all courageous beyond belief, and now some of us are wounded so much we can't bear to remember what happened.  And if we remember, we numb - we numb excessively.

Our beautiful children bravely stepped into the same muck, even knowing their parents were sinking fast.  They knew us, they knew what the family dynamics were, yet they had the courage to come forth anyway.  They are true warriors.  I think having them, raising them, loving them, opened way for me to climb a little way out...maybe enough to get my eyes above the slime level.( I suddenly had an image of turtle, keeping nose above water so she could breathe no matter what...Clare the Turtle-Possum...second track of the CD that begins with Skinny-dipping in the Swamp!)

I do think we have connection and community before we are born into our separate selves, and we continually seek each other after that.  I think we have a clear view of the family history, the cultural/political situation.  Then we are born into forgetfulness, into a world where machinery yanks us from our mothers into blinding lights, we are fed non-human foods by artificial means, forced to sleep alone, left to scream in agony when we want to eat or to be held and it's not the scheduled time.  Those who seek to destroy community and enslave us are winning by Day 1.  Add a family pattern of abuse and I wonder why we are not all stark raving mad.  I think it's a tribute to our strength that we can function at all.  Although, at some depressive times, it can barely be called functioning.

Sudden thought - whenever two or more of you are gathered...we must find each other in this swamp.  We must join hands and hearts and voices.

My daughter-in-law told me that she was researching taverns, and ended up researching religions.  Alcohol is called spirits because it used to be seen as a way to Spirit.  Every community had some sort of mind expander or inhibition releaser that was used in ritual to connect with Spirit.  Now we use those substances to numb the pain and hide from each other.  I wonder how much addiction is as much a search for connection as a fleeing from it...

I found the quote.  This is one line from an essay about the Higgs Boson, the newly discovered, or newly understood "God particle.": makes even more remarkable the precarious accident that allowed our existence to form from nothing — further proof that the universe of our senses is just the tip of a vast, largely hidden cosmic iceberg.

From a New York Times Essay by Lawrence M. Krauss, A Blip That Speaks of Our Place in the Universe, published 9 July 2012

Hope your trip to the dentist went well, and that you found some joy in your day!

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